
David Nash Carson is a writer of visionary fiction that focuses on the “pull” inside each of us and the joys and challenges with following our journey. Currently, David travels the world finding inspiration to write wherever he goes.

About The Room, The Cup and The Book

The Room, The Cup and The Book is a visionary fiction story, written in three parts, that is best described as The Alchemist meets The Little Prince.

At its core, The Room, The Cup and The Book is about the journeys we take through the things that make up our lives, examining the experiences we have in the moments when the noise of our lives has quieted, what it means to brave our path and the purpose we find along the way.

About David

Growing up in small town Kentucky, David began writing as a teenager with many of his original works influencing his current writing. As an adult, he began writing consistently and even more so once he started traveling full time — while consuming many cappuccinos in coffee shops around the world.

David holds a Masters degree in Communications and has over twenty years of professional communications and marketing experience.

He recently completed The Room, The Cup and The Book which is in the submission stage to publishers and agents. He currently has multiple other projects in the works, primarily in the visionary fiction genre. At this point, David doubts if he will ever not be writing something, sitting in some café somewhere out in the world.


David’s audience are those interested in visionary fiction and fans of stories depicting the hero’s journey. Anyone who likes the works of Paulo Coelho and Dan Millman would enjoy David’s writing.

In The Media

     David Nash Carson (High Resolution Headshot)

Media & Press Inquiries

For media and press inquiries, please use the email address below. Remove the spaces (used to avoid spam).

     davidnashcarson @

Social Media

The Writing Manifesto